The HPNA Board organizes a few in-person meetings throughout the year to bring neighbors together to discuss topics of importance for our neighborhood. The Board tries to have four General Meetings per year (once each quarter) but will hold additional meetings for specific topics if necessary.

Location: Artisan Church, 1235 S Clinton Ave, Rochester, NY 14620
Time: 6:30pm to 8:30pm

6:30pm to 7:00pm – Please sign in, Socialize with neighbors, Talk to HPNA Board members
7:00pm – Meeting Begins
Election for HPNA Board Chair and Treasurer for two-year term
Candidates: Bob Thompson for Chair and Roger Ramsay for Treasurer
The HPNA Board will be inviting the following guests:
Lilac Festival Representative (not confirmed)
Lifespan Representative (not confirmed)
RPD Representative (not confirmed)
Neighborhood Service Center Representative (not confirmed)
2025 HPNA Projects and Events Overview