Thank you to our donors!
Olmsted Level Donors ($500 and above)
Highland Park Neighborhood Association
Historic Houseparts, Inc.
Preservation League of NYS – Preserve New York grant awarded
Rochester Area Community Foundation – Grant awarded
Ellwanger Level Donors ($250 to $499)
Gwendolyn Mabie
MM Development Advisors
Warner Level Donors ($100 to $249)
Azalea Neighborhood
Phil Borelli
Laraine Gallagher
Jonathan Herington
David Liebert
Ian and Michelle McFurkin-Wondo
The Townsend Family
Supporters (up to $99)
Robin Fisher and Keith Abel
John and Brenda Frank
Donna Grant
Alissa Karl
Dan Kennelly
Brenda Klein
Paul Michaloski
France Scully Osterman