Celebrate City Living 2019 Expo
Sibley Square 250 E. Main St., Rochester, United StatesDetail can be found on the Celebrate City Living website.
Detail can be found on the Celebrate City Living website.
3rd Floor of Rundel Memorial Building Citizens are welcome to address the Board of Trustees for a maximum of three minutes, beginning at 9:00 a.m. In order to speak at this meeting, individuals must provide name, address, organization represented (if any), and the topic of discussion by one of the following methods: Call 585-428-8046 by … Continue reading Monroe County Library System Board – Public Meeting
Public Informational Meeting
Location: City Council Chambers Note: In order to speak during this session, you must call ahead to be added.
City Council Chambers
Room 223B
Room 223B
If you wish to attend this meeting or have an item added to the agenda, please contact the HPNA Board at board@highlandparkrochester.org.
The Flower City Half Marathon runs right through our neighborhood. The city holds a "spirit contest" along the route. The neighborhoods that display great spirit win cash! (Up to $750 which we use for neighborhood projects!) For more details check out the FB event page at: https://www.facebook.com/events/2377935585811768/?active_tab=about
City Council Chambers