If you love our neighborhood and would like to be more involved in planning events and advocating for city life, please consider joining the all-volunteer Highland Park Neighborhood Association (HPNA) board.

HPNA board members must live within the boundaries of the Highland Park Neighborhood. Interested people in the neighborhood who wish to join the HPNA board initially join in an “At Large” capacity. Commitment to the board will be based on the amount of time you have to give however, there is a minimum commitment to attend monthly board meetings that last for about 1 ½ to 2 hours. Board meetings are held either in person at a board member’s home or on Zoom.

If you are interested in joining the board or volunteering in the neighborhood, please fill out and submit the application form below.

Information about board responsibilities can be found on the By Laws web page at: https://highlandparkrochester.org/by-laws/